Back To Basics-G88 Mouth Piece Puller
The Original FAST Mouthpiece Puller
Nothing to lose. No 1/2 washers to find.
No bent finishing nails. No die cast parts.
Below are pictures of this great tool used on many different applications
Nothing to lose. No 1/2 washers to find.
No bent finishing nails. No die cast parts.
Below are pictures of this great tool used on many different applications

Here on older Blessing Trumpet (Bach 7C)
Most people position the G88 in their weaker hand to hold everything securely, and then turn the T-handle with their stronger hand. All the while holding everything secure while tightening. Don't let the jaws slide over the receiver, hold them tight.
Here shown above on a trombone slide (12H & Bach), and below on a tuba. Always use this grip!
Be sure you get the jaws planted firmly on the mouthpiece stem, so that you 'push' the receiver.
It helps to lay the instrument on a bench or table. Otherwise it can be a two man job.
Here on a French horn (Conn 14D)...... and the standard "Death Grip" on a cornet.
Ferree's Tools-"Because they work!"